2651024639 Bizaniou 37, Ioannina marios586@hotmail.com
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Technical Office
Kontogiannis Marios

Welcome to the blog of the technical office, Marios H. Kontogiannis. Mr. Kontogiannis is a civil engineer and has a technical office in Ioannina. It is distinguished by its professionalism and the quality of its services. Exquisite experience and love for work defines Mr. Kontogianni a guaranteed choice.
The office deals with constructions, renovations of private and professional spaces, studies and supervision of private construction works, also deals with the compilation of topographic diagrams and undertakes the whole process of arbitrary settlement. Finally it undertakes the complete study and installation of photovoltaic systems. The head office is located in Ioannina, 37 Bizaniou, Kaloutsianis area.
 Topographic diagrams
  Study - Supervise Work
 Legalization of arbitrary
 Construction of public works
 Energy inspector

Bizaniou 37, Ioannina 45221 / ioannina
Phone: 2651024639
Cell:     6977147543